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Best Homeopathic Doctor

Showing posts with label Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi. Show all posts

Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Wishes You A Very Happy & Healthy New Year 2020

Homeopathy for arthritis, skin, hair loss, diabetes, lower back pain, depression, anxiety. The most experienced and respected homeopathic doctor. Effective treatment for all problems. Consultation - 9999367159. Treatment of all diseases. 100% effective treatment. no side effects.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

Homeopathy for arthritis, skin, hair loss, diabetes, lower back pain, depression, anxiety. The most experienced and respected homeopathic doctor. Effective treatment for all problems. Consultation - 9999367159. Treatment of all diseases. 100% effective treatment. no side effects.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

10 Early Sign For Enlarged Prostate That Every Guy Needs To Know !gnorance Is Not A Bliss

Enlarged Prostate Symptoms And Its Treatment Through Homeopathy

An enlarged prostate is the most common problem occurs in men if his age is above 50 is also known as Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy. it starts by pressing on the urethra and slowly obstruct it by increasing urination and other urinary problem. (Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy)BPH can be present with any of the following described symptoms below.

Homeopathic Doctor in India

1. Difficulty in starting and ending of urination process. There is also difficulty in urination while in standing position.

2. Decreased flow of urine and change in its color.

3. A burning in the urethra while urinating.

4. pain or numbness occurs in the joints like thighs, hips, legs or in other lower body part.

5. Painful ejaculation.

6. Impotence-Erectile Dysfunction.

7. Blood in urine.

8. Blood in semen.

9. Swelling or Discomfort in legs or pelvic area.

10. Pain in the bone which can lead to fractures.

Out of 5 Men, 1 is Affected By Enlarged Prostate 

Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

A survey shows that out of every 5 men one is affected by Enlarged Prostate which leads to many deaths as due to lack of awareness men's are dying. so for making your old age a happy experience contact your physician for a checkup so that if there is any problem then it can be cured.

BPH or Enlarged Prostate is generally treated by Surgical methods and 95 % people believe that there is no other cure for this Problem.
Whereas Homeopathy is a field which can cure the problem of the enlarged prostate gland. Homeopathic medicines are completely Natural and organic which aims to completely remove the underlying cause of the enlarged prostate instead of just curing the Symptoms.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Best Homeopathy Doctor in Delhi | Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi

From within the kidneys and might travel down the urinary tract.  Kidney stones vary in size from only a speck to too big as a ping-pong ball.   Approximately 5 percent of individuals develop a kidney stone in the course of their life.  Kidney stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are tough deposits made from salts and minerals which form within your kidneys.   Many times, stones form when the urine becomes more concentrated, letting minerals to crystallize and stay together.  Passing kidney stones can be very debilitating, however, the stones generally cause no permanent damage whenever they are recognized in a timely manner.  Based upon your Form within the kidneys and might travel down the urinary tract. Kidney stones vary in size from only a speck to too big as a ping-pong ball. Approximately 5 percent of individuals develop a kidney stone in the course of their life. Kidney stones (renal lithiasis, nephrolithiasis) are tough deposits made from salts and minerals which form within your kidneys. Many times, stones form when the urine becomes more concentrated, letting minerals to crystallize and stay together. Passing kidney stones can be very debilitating, however, the stones generally cause no permanent damage whenever they are recognized in a timely manner. Based on your circumstances, you might require nothing more than to take pain medicine and drink a lot of water to pass a kidney stone. In other cases -- for instance, if stones become lodged in the urinary tract, are all correlated with a sinus disease or lead to complications -- operation might be required.
Types of kidney stones:-
Knowing the Sort of kidney stones helps ascertain the cause and can give clues about the best way best to lessen your chance of becoming more kidney stones. If at all possible, attempt to conserve your kidney stone should you pass one so you could bring it to your doctor for analysis?
Calcium stones: - Generally in the shape of calcium oxalate. Oxalate is a naturally occurring compound found in foods and can also be made daily from the liver. Some fruits and veggies, in addition to chocolate and nuts, have high oxalate content.
Magnesium stones: - can also happen in the Shape of calcium phosphate. It might also be related to specific migraine headaches or by taking particular seizure drugs, such as topiramate (Topamax).
Struvite stones: - Struvite stones form in reaction to a Disease, like a urinary tract disease. These stones may grow rapidly and become rather big, sometimes with few symptoms or small caution.
Lactic acid stones: - Uric acid stones may form in individuals who do not drink sufficient fluids or that lose too much fluid, those that consume a high-protein diet, and people who have diabetes.
Cystine stones: - These stones form individuals with a hereditary disorder which causes the kidneys to excrete a lot of particular amino acids (cystinuria).
Inside your kidney or enters your ureter -- the tube connecting the bladder and bladder. At the point, You Might experience these symptoms and signs:
1.       Intense pain in the back and side, under the ribs
2.       Pain during urination
3.       Pink, red or brownish urine
4.       Cloudy or foul-smelling pee
5.       Nausea and vomiting
6.       Continuous need to urinate
7.       Fever and chills if a disease is present
8.       Urinating small Quantities
Pain Brought on by a kidney stone can change -- for Example, Shifting to another place or increasing in strength -- as the rock moves throughout your urinary tract. The kidneys regulate amounts of fluid, salts, minerals, and other Chemicals within the body. After the equilibrium of these compounds varies, kidney stones can form. Uric acid and cystine are just two chemicals that may contain kidney stones. Factors known to increase the chance of kidney stones contain dehydration, family history, genetics, and also the existence of certain medical problems. Having one or more household members with a history of kidney stones raises the danger of the status.

How Do I Avoid Kidney Stones?
Water every day, the urine gets diluted. When urine is not as focused, it makes it increasingly challenging for stones to shape and also makes it simpler for them to maneuver.
Exercise More: - Pressure that keeps your kidneys and hearts healthy. You should particularly avoid carbonated Drinks such as soda. The quantity of sugar in one can of pop (normally around 40 g) is sufficient to disrupt the nutrient levels in our bodies, building kidney stones more likely to take place.
Get sufficient calcium: - This single vitamin is Responsible for at least 300 different biochemical reactions within the body. It simply occurs to avoid calcium from mixing with oxalate -- the most frequent kind of kidney stone. Foods high in calcium include green, avocados, leafy veggies such as Swiss chard and lettuce and pumpkin seeds.
Eat sufficient calcium: - If you do not eat enough calcium from the foods that you consume, oxalate levels begin to increase from the entire body, which may lead to kidney stones. Some calcium supplements may also lead to kidney stones, even however, so it's ideal to find the calcium from its normal form from foods.

Restrict animal protein:- It's Been proven that eating a daily diet High in animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and fish, contributes to high amounts Animal proteins additionally lower citrate, a compound that prevents Kidney stones.

Thursday, 29 March 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - Cervical Spondylosis, Factors, Systoms and Treatment

What's cervical spondylosis?
Cervical spondylosis is a standard, adrenal illness that affects the discs and joints on your cervical spine, which can be in your own neck. Additionally, it is referred to as cervical osteoarthritis or throat arthritis. It develops in the wear and tear of bones and cartilage. As soon as it's largely as a result of age, it may be brought on by other factors too. According to the Mayo Clinic, the problem is present in over 85 percent of individuals over age 60, even though some folks who have it never experience symptoms. For many, it can lead to chronic, severe stiffness and pain. But a lot of men and women who have it can run regular daily tasks. The cervical spine is the title given to the seven little ligaments that form the throat. They begin at the bottom of their skull. In cervical spondylosis, the borders of the vertebrae frequently develop bone spurs called osteophytes. As time passes, the disks get thinner, and also their capacity to absorb shock is missing, raising the danger of symptoms.
Risk Factor:
1.       Aging is the Significant Element for developing cervical in the majority of individuals older than age 50, the disks between the vertebrae become less spongy and supply less of a pillow. Bones and ligaments make thicker, encroaching on the distance of the spinal tract.
2.       Another factor may be a prior injury to the throat. People in certain jobs or who perform particular tasks like gymnasts or other athletes can place more strain on their necks.
3.       Spinal changes which lead to cervical spondylosis.
4.       Almost 65 percent of individuals over Age 65 years reside with cervical spondylosis, but maybe not all individuals with the illness experience pain. To alleviate pain and stiffness.
Therapy can help alleviate symptoms, and, in severe cases, surgical alternatives are also offered. Symptoms may include pain and weakness. In acute cases, the
When symptoms do occur, they generally consist of pain and stiffness in the throat. This pain may vary from moderate to severe. It's sometimes worsened by looking up or looking to get quite a while, or by actions where the throat is held at precisely the exact same place for a lengthy period of time--like reading or driving a novel. The pain generally improves with rest or bending.
1.       Other symptoms might include:
2.       Headaches
3.       Grinding or popping sound or feeling when you flip your neck
4.       Trouble walking, loss of equilibrium, or weakness at the palms or thighs
5.       Muscle spasms in the throat and shoulders.
Cervical spondylosis could be treated with easy neck Exercises, under the advice of a physician.
A couple easy neck exercises.
1.       Neck stretch
a.       Push your palms forwards in a manner that moves the throat.
b.      Softly stressed the throat muscles.
c.       Hold this for 5 minutes.
d.      Return your mind to its center position.
e.      Push back your head together with the chin held high, and wait for 5 seconds.
2.       Neck tilt
a.       Softly stressed the throat muscles.
b.      Hold this for 5 minutes.
c.       Return the head to a neutral place.
3.       Neck lean (side-to-side)
a.       Lean your head towards the shoulder, resulting in the ear.
b.      Softly stressed the throat muscles.
c.       Hold this for 5 minutes.
d.      Return your head to the heart and repeat on the other shoulder.

4.       Neck flip
a.       Turn your head to one side as much as it stays comfortable, Being certain to maintain your chin in a level elevation.
b.      Return the mind into a central place.
c.       Repeat on the other hand.
While these exercises may be powerful, they won’t heal cervical spondylosis. They can help moderate the effect of the illness and relieve anxiety or feelings of stiffness.
5.       Remedy
When, however treatments are available which could help decrease the symptoms which do happen. Muscle relaxants are helpful if the individual has throat spasms, where the throat muscles tighten abruptly. Nonetheless, it's occasionally prescribed for persistent pain which hasn't responded to other therapies. A steroid shot in the neck might assist with quite severe pain. Examples of steroid shots include a trigger-point An ESI has to be done under fluoroscopy, with the support of an x-ray.

Physical therapy may also help alleviate symptoms.

Monday, 19 March 2018

Homeopathic Treatment of Prostate Diseases | Homeopathic Clinic in Delhi

It is among the most important organs for both male sexual and urological wellbeing. Even though it's a little walnut like construction underneath bladder but its function is a lot larger than its dimensions. These prostate problems not just disturb functional lifestyle of an individual but also disturb the private life. The main activity of prostate gland is in a sexual world, in which it produces PSA that's a vital protein that helps keep the semen from its liquid state. This PSA when gets raised can cause cancer or some other prostate problem. Major risk factors related to prostate problems are linked to older age (over 45), more in an individual with a family history of cancer. Diet variables also play an important role in long-term medication, smoking, alcohol, night functioning and even increased ingestion of coffee and tea contributes to prostate problems. “A hottest new Non- guzzling evaluation i.e. PSMA -PET scanning evaluation is introduced. However, in reality, there's absolutely not any cure for BPH and after prostate growth begins, it often persists, unless medical treatment is started. The prostate gland develops in two distinct manners. The second kind of expansion is that the middle-lobe prostate development, where the cells grow in the urethra and the bladder outlet area. This sort of growth usually requires surgery.
1.       Void
2.       Dribbling after voiding
3.       Feeling that the bladder hasn't emptied completely after urination
4.       Frequent urination, especially at night (nocturia)
5.       Decreased force
6.       Pushing or trying to start urination
7.       Recurrent, unexpected, urgent need to urinate
To urinate could result. It causes acute pain and distress. Catheterization may be required to drain urine from the bladder to receive relief.
Clinical signs and physical examination provide the foundation the physical exam involves a digital rectal exam (DRE). Symptom analysis is obtained in the outcomes of the AUA Symptom Index.
Prostatitis, which appears at a patient's whole-body health holistically, homeopathic doctors are trained to take a look at all aspects of a patient's health such as his social, physical, psychological, mental, and spiritual well-being. This also helps the practitioner determine the ideal homeopathic treatment for prostatitis that's best for the individual.
There are numerous homeopathic treatments for prostatitis, Such as these:
Sabal serrulata (saw palmetto) is traditionally used as a homeopathic Remedy for prostate cancer, but in most cases of prostatitis it might help patients with hard bleeding or burning with urination. As a supplement, it's been used for many years to help men alleviate prostate problems, including sinus pain and symptoms.
Pulsatilla is utilized for pain in the prostate following urination and sharp pains or abnormalities in the prostate region that stretch in the uterus and bladder. Pulsatilla is fantastic for the guy who encounters annoyance of pain in the prostate following urination. A thick, bland discharge from the penis could be present. Men that show strong general indicators of the medicine can be awarded Pulsatilla even if the particular symptoms do not necessarily affirm it.
Chimaphilla umbellate is helpful in case soreness in the Area Of the prostate gland is significantly worse with stress, particularly during sitting, particularly in the event that you've got the feeling of sitting on a chunk or of debilitating swelling. Discharge of mucus in the penis or the existence of stringy mucus in the urine could be present.

Kali bichromium is great for the prostate pain that’s aggravated by walking or should you really feel as though you have to stand still for relief. Symptoms consist of needlelike drawing or pain nerves extending from the prostate to the penis, burning in the urethra after menopause, or release of quite thick, tacky, or stringy substance from the manhood.
Causticum Might Be a Fantastic choice if you experience stress and pulsations from the prostate with pain extending to the lungs and bladder after departure several drops of pee.
Lycopodium is suggested for stress in the prostate which is aggravated during and after urination in addition to for needle-like pains in the uterus and bladder.
It's recommended to locate a homeopath seasoned with prostate problems. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get names of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental treatment based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency every day for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.
How to Use Homeopathy Treatment for Prostatitis:-
It's recommended to locate a homeopath experienced with prostate problems. You may get in touch with the Society of Homeopaths to get names of homeopaths locally. When fixing at home you can follow unique classes of dental treatment based on if the symptoms are severe or chronic. Ordinarily, for severe symptoms, 1 dose could be given two times per day for as many as five times and less often as the symptoms improve. For chronic cases, like CP/CPPS, 1 dose of their 30th potency every day for 5 days, or even a minimal potency twice per day for up to fourteen days.
When should you attempt another medicine? In acute situations, if there's absolutely not any improvement after 36 to 48 hours, try out another treatment. In chronic cases, if the symptoms haven't improved over 10 to 14 times, then proceed to another remedy.
You will find other natural and other treatments for prostatitis which you might also need to take into account. Many supplements can help with prostatitis symptoms, and a number have a good deal of research backing them up. Other holistic programs like the "NPAT" Treatment Program for Prostatitis involve many natural and other remedies such as:
Phytotherapy (pollen and quercetin along with probiotics);
Alternative treatments (acupuncture, prostate massage, prostate rehab and treatment); and

Generally, many men with CP/CPPS do best using a multimodal treatment program. Fixing CP/CPPS requires patience and time, but should you employ a variety of treatment methods, you'll get the ideal combination which helps alleviate your unique symptoms.

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - Best Homeopathy Doctor in India

May the shines of this Holi brighten your path towards progress and continued success. Happy Holi!


Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Dr Naval Kumar – India’s Best Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma

The term 'asthma' is taken from the Greek meaning ' panting' or 'labored breathing'. Asthma is a condition characterized by a paroxysmal wheezing respiration dyspnoea (difficulty in breathing), mainly expiratory. Asthma is a disease that intermittently influences the lungs. When it attacks, the lungs become infected and the airways slim. The sufferer's chest reduces, breathing becomes difficult or wheezy, and a consistent cough may develop - especially during the night. Asthma can be triggered by allergic reactions or have its starting point from a stressful amount of life such as infection, a grief, or even the birthday of a baby. Thousands die from asthma each year. That is a serious disease that is increasing in frequency. For children and adults alike, they have difficulty to breathe during an asthma attack can be a frightening experience. Whilst conventional medications relieve many of the symptoms of asthma, they can cure it. With homeopathy, it is a different story.
The key Causes of Asthma:
Regarding the etiology, bronchial asthma is broken into the following groups:
1. Sensitive (extrinsic/ atopic) Asthma - This type of bronchial asthma usually starts in child years and is often forwent by eczema. But almost all of the young adults (<35 yrs.) developing bronchial asthma also fall into this category. Genetic factors also play a tremendous role we this. Through this type of asthma, the allergen causes the production of abnormal (IgE) immunoglobulins.
2. Infective or Intrinsic Asthma - This is not genetic or allergic, but may be caused by, or at least associated with an upper respiratory area or bronchial infection which is usually viral.
3. Emotional Asthma - Internal factors (like anxiety, psychological stress etc.) are often considered to be the only cause of some asthmatic attacks, but it is still not certain whether it can be the only cause or is merely a precipitating factor.
4. Occupational asthma - This can take place in certain industries in which there exists exposure to metallic dust particles (esp. platinum salts), natural detergents, toluene diisocyanate, polyurethane material, flour and dust from grains and so on
Whatever may be the cause, it finally causes paroxysms of bronchial blockage produced by widespread bronchial spasm accentuated by inserting of the bronchi with excessive mucus.
Repeated episode of paroxysmal dyspnea (difficulty in breathing)
The breathing is labored, with a wheezing sound, mainly on expiration.
Asthma problems often occur in the early hours of the morning (when you cannot find any immediate precipitating cause). Throughout the strike patients often likes to sit then lie down.
Homeopathic medicines for Bronchial asthma
1) Arsenic Record - Among the best Homeopathic drugs for asthma with panic
There are powerful uneasiness and anxiety with coughing and wheezing. He could be incapable to find a comfortable position and keeps hurling and turning around. Desire is increased but refreshments slightly at a time. Asthma is worse at midnight. Lying down is difficult as he is unable to breathe and feels suffocated? Therefore, you will have to sit down up in bed. The problem is aggravated in cold air and with a change of weather. At the same time, the person feels better after taking in warm drinks. There is a pain in the top right chest. Expectoration is scanty and frequently frothy. The air passages usually feel restricted.
2. Ipecac- 1 of the best Naturopathic remedies for asthma with nausea and vomiting
Found in case vomiting exists with asthmatic attacks, Ipecac is one of the better homeopathic remedies for asthma. There is continual nausea, so much so that he might feel nauseated almost all of the time. In times, this nausea may well not be relieved even after vomiting. The chest appears to be loaded with mucous. Right now there is rattling cough. Coughing is present but will not help in minimizing the mucous load. Challenges are aggravated by hot and humid weather. This kind of medicine is indicated much more in adults and children who are a little fat. Your oral cavity is mostly moist and there is an increased amount of salvation. The tongue is usually clean and is not covered.
3. Antim Tart- 1 of the best Holistic medicines for asthma with rattling
In instances where there is rattling cough like breasts are packed with loose mucous, Antrim Tart is among the finest homeopathic medicines for breathing difficulties. There is little expectoration of mucous. The coughing is triggered by eating. There may be drowsiness and weak point. It can be more suited to old people and young children. The patient seems weak and sleepy. There exists burning feeling in the chest and in some cases, there is a sensation of something velvety inside the chest. This kind of burning sensation may clamber to the throat. Frequently, there exists hoarseness of words accompanying the other symptoms of asthma. The coughing often increases after eating anything. The breathlessness is often relieved by eructation’s. At the same time, the cough is better by lying on the right side.

4. Nux Vomica- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for asthma from gastric disruption
In cases where the asthmatic attack is induced by gastric disturbance, Nux Vomica is one of the better holistic medicines for asthma. The web likely to be a whole lot worse in the morning. There is certain sense of fullness in the stomach along with asthma. There is dried out and hacking cough. Buying angry brings on an attack of asthma. The problem is worse in winters. There is a sensation of scraping in the throat. Along with the respiratory symptoms, the stomach seems full and heavy, more so in the morning or right after eating. There is a cough with a discomfort as if there are some things being torn inside the breasts. At the same time, the cough causes frustration or a bruised pain in the epigastric or the stomach region.

5. Carbo Veg- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for asthma with blueness of faceWhen the face of the patient becomes bluish along with an asthmatic attack, Carbo Veg is one of the best homeopathic medicines for asthma. There is coldness of the hands and feet. Stomach troubles may accompany the respiratory symptoms. The problem is worse in the evening and by talking or lying down. There is cough with itching in the larynx or the voice box. There is hoarseness of the voice which is worse in the evening. The voice becomes deep and rough which tends to fail on the slightest exertion. The breath is cold and he wants to be fanned.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Dr Naval Kumar - School Health and Homeopathy

Conflict of Interest Disclosure
Neither I nor my immediate family members have any Financial Interests or Significant Relationships that might affect – or reasonably appear to affect – this presentation on “Role of Homeopathy in Healthcare of School going children”
 Discuss various allergic, Lifestyle and stress related diseases of school going children.
Discuss various aspects of physical and Psychological health of children
 Define common problems in children-Obesity, allergies, & stress
 Explain its clinical manifestations and symptomatology.
 Explain Aetiological factors and preventive measures by Homeopathic treatment and lifestyle management.
 Recommend a unique10 step wellness program to prevent allergy and stress related problems in children
Children Diseases
1.        Most of common diseases of children are related to lack of activities, lack of right nutrition & fast food , electronic gadgets ,video games, television etc., allergies and stress problems.
2.       Common lifestyle problem seen in children is Obesity and its related disorders.
3.       Allergic problems-are most common amongst growing children due to pollution, food adulterations, food allergies etc. –the most common problems seen are, recurrent cold and cough, adenoids problems, asthma, atopic dermatitis etc.
4.      Psychological/stress related problems-these are very common in various age groups and it effects the performance in academics and changes in normal behavior like in teenagers, substance abuse etc.

Introduction of allergic diseases
Epidemiological studies indicate a world-wide and significant rise in atopic diseases over the past 10 years.
1.        It has adopted alarming magnitude within the industrialized world.
2.       allergic asthma and polyposis, in particular, are on the rise in Third world countries, in parallel to the industrialization and westernization of their life-style.
3.       Since both antigen exposure and the presence of additional realization factors are required for the manifestation of atopic diseases, this increase in prevalence is not surprising.
Some Signs and Symptoms of Asthma:
Wheezing, Coughing, Difficulty Breathing and/or shortness of breath A Serious Asthma Episode may include:
1.       Breathlessness that may cause the student to speak in one-to two word sentences or be unable to speak.
2.       The student may stop an activity and be unable to start again.
3.       The student’s neck muscles may tighten with each breath.
4.      Lips and nail beds may have a grayish or bluish color.
5.       Many students need to use their inhalers 15 – 30 minutes before physical education class to prevent asthma difficulties during periods of exercise. Do not deny a student’s request to come to the Health Office to use their inhaler.

Important Symptoms
1.        [Knerr] [Lower Limbs] Thighs: Burning: Flexor surface, on, later thick rashes from nettles.
2.       [Gentry] [The Face] Disappearance: Face ache and asthma, as after disappearance of tatters from face.
3.       [Special] [Asthma]Difficult: Eruptions, suppressed.
4.      [Special] [Asthma]Difficult: Change of weather.
5.       [Lippe] [Cough]Asthmatic cough.
6.      [Gentry] [Stomach]Milk: And warm food disagree.
7.       [Gentry] [Stomach]Food: Milk and warm food disagree.
8.      [Gentry] [Stomach]Aversion: To bread.
9.      [Phatak] [Phatak A-Z]Food & drinks (Agg. & Amel.): Buck wheat Agg.
10.    [Knerr] [Sleep]During sleep: Snoring (stertorous sleep).
11.     [Knerr] [Respiration]Asthma: Mental condition: Emotions, after.
12.    [Special ] [Asthma]Difficult: Cold, after taking: Remedies for Child Allergies.
Few Remedies found clinically beneficial for allergies of various types during clinical work in NHC.
1. Arsenic Album
2. Belladonna
 3. Ipecac
 4. Hepar Sulph
5. Kali Carb
 6. Pulsatilla
7. Nux Vomica
 8. Rhus Tox
9. Psorinum
Summarize Life style problems are very common problems and Homeopathy has an important role in prevention and treatment of these Need to know how to screen school children, when to begin, and how often to follow up with help of parents, school authorities and Government Need to start preventive measures at initial symptoms of Obesity, allergies and stress related disorders like learning and behavioral problems Need to educate masses about role and efficacy of homeopathy as a holistic care, preventive medicine Need to make awareness about safety ,efficacy, and availability of Homeopathy on various children diseases. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit

Friday, 8 December 2017

Best Sexologist in Delhi | Best Homeopathic Treatment of Sexual Disease

Modern-day men are extremely conscious about their sex life. One thing which sets them worrying is the ability to perform in bed. This fear of performing in bed is the biggest restraint in getting involved with the sexual partner. What if I am not able to satisfy and please my partner during the act? What if I cannot reach the climax? These are some of the most common fears which have taken a toll on men. However, instead of thinking about all these problems, seeking the advice of an expert Sexologist at might help you go a long way in your bedroom life. It is extremely important for you to understand that the more you delay treatment of sexual problems, the higher the possibility of making your condition worse. Remember, your equation with your partner would deteriorate each passing day as you will try to avoid her. And, this will only add to your problems. In such a scenario, sexologist can come to your rescue. They are healthcare experts having specialization in treating sex problems.

In the last few years, there has been a sudden increase in the number of people who suffer from different types of sex problems. Unless you will understand the fact that these problems, just like other health issues, are treatable, you cannot get rid of them. As soon as you start noticing a change in your sexual activity, and think that it is triggering because of some medical condition, without wasting time, visit a sexologist. Usually, it happens that people avoid sex problems and consider visiting a sex expert only when condition deteriorates. In some cases, couples face severe issues which lead to divorce too. Timely consultation can help you get rid of such problems and enjoy your sex life to the fullest. Sexologist by prescribes the most effective treatment on the basis of your condition so that you can get back to your routine without much of the delay. Get the best sexologist to get rid of sex problems. For more detail contact us at + 91-9999367159 or visit


Thursday, 30 November 2017


Chloasma is a skin condition that can affect 50-70% of pregnant women. Also known as MELASMA or "The Mask of Pregnancy". Chloasma is characterized by symmetrical patches of dark skin, commonly seen on the cheeks, upper lip, forehead and chin that can resemble a mask pattern, almost like a raccoon. People with darker complexions who tend to tan well are more likely to develop this condition. Chloasma occurs most often during the summer time, due to increased sun exposure.
The exact cause of chloasma is a mystery. What is known that UV Light from the sun causes melanocytes, or pigment cells, to over produce melanin, which is what gives skin its distinct color? Hormone fluctuations are also partially to blame for chloasma.
The discoloration usually disappears spontaneously over a period of several months after giving birth or stopping the oral contraceptives or hormone replacement therapy.
Laser Treatment
No. of types of laser therapy has been used including
- Fractional Lasers
- Q- Switched And YAG Lasers
- Intense Pulse Light

For further information you can visit our website Or give us a call on 011-2541 0265, 011-2517 076, 09999367159 or visit our clinic DrNaval's Homoeo Clinic and research centre J 13 1 34 Patel Market Rajouri garden.